Script for Recitatif- Scene 1

FADE IN INT. ST. BONNY’S- MORNING Opening shot of a long gray hallway. A large, imposing woman in a stiff uniform is leading TWYLA by the arm. The BIG BOZO speaks in short sentences, a little like a military officer. She rarely smiles. They stop in front of a door marked 406 and walk inside to meet ROBERTA. Twyla is about eight or nine and dressed in threadbare clothes, while Roberta’s clothes are cleaner and well made. She wears pink scalloped socks. Twyla sniffs the air and wrinkles her nose as she sees Roberta, who doesn’t seem to notice. BOZO Twyla, this is Roberta. Roberta, this is Twyla. Make each other welcome. TWYLA (petulant) My mother won’t like you putting me in here. BOZO Good. Maybe then she’ll come and take you home. ROBERTA walks to the window, facing away from the others. BOZO. (curt) Turn around,don’t be rude. Now Twyla. Roberta. When you hear a loud buzzer, that’s the call for dinner. Come down to the first floor. Any fights and no movie. (tantalizingly) The Wizard of Oz. She leaves. The girls stare at each other for a moment before Roberta walks over and breaks the silence. ROBERTA Is your mother sick too? TWYLA (matter of fact) No. She just likes to dance all night. Roberta nods understandingly and they share a tentative smile.


  1. Great addition of stage directions and inclusion of other details in your imagined adaptation of this opening scene for a stage or cinematic performance! I bet "Recitatif" would make a really great short film. -Ms. O'Brien


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